Haemorrhoid Treatment

While haemorrhoids can be a real pain, don't worry - they can be easily treated.

Haemorrhoid Medications

ANUSOL ointment and ANUSOL suppositories both with:

  • a gentle astringent agent to help reduce the swelling of haemorrhoidal tissue, giving your haemorrhoids a better chance to heal
  • a soothing emollient agent to ease the burning sensation  

Not sure which to go with? Find out which ANUSOL product is best for you.

Along with an effective treatment to relieve your symptoms, there are a few other easy steps you can take to find relief:

Hygiene and bathing

  • Wash your bottom with unscented soap after each bowel movement. Then dry off thoroughly by gently patting with a soft towel.
  • Wear loose, cotton underwear instead of synthetic fibres to keep the area as dry as possible.
  • Avoid using talcum powder.
  • Take warm baths
  • Use a sitz bath, available from a medical supply store, with warm water and Epsom salts
  • Apply cold compresses

In most cases, your symptoms will clear up within a week or two. And by making a few small changes to your lifestyle, you can minimize the chances of haemorrhoid coming back to the same degree, if at all.

Haemorrhoid treatment

Use treatments, such as ANUSOL Haemorrhoidal Suppositories for your internal haemorrhoid symptoms. Suppositories are inserted directly into the rectum to deliver medication straight to the hemorrhoids to help reduce swelling, and ease the burning sensation. 

Use treatments, such as ANUSOL™  Haemorrhoidal Ointment for your internal or external haemorrhoidal symptoms. ANUSOL reduces the swelling associated with haemorrhoid.

When should I see a doctor?

If it's the first time you're experiencing haemorrhoid symptoms, you'll want to visit your doctor. He or she will make a proper diagnosis and put your mind at ease. They'll also recommend the best treatment for your particular symptoms.